Evaluation of training needs to Part 4: Regulations 4.3, 4.5 and 4.6 to meet the requirements for Location Compliance Certificates or Certified Handler Certificates and the substance knowledge for Certified Approved Fillers – all gases – high pressure, high and low pressure liquefiable and cryogenic – Classes 2.1.2A/B, 2.1.1A, 5.1.2, 6.1
PCBU training for Board members and senior management
e-learning courses, development of industry specific courses for delivery through Disruptive Training Limited
Development of EM Plans to Part 5 of the Regulations
Risk assessment evaluation meeting the legal test of ‘So Far As Is Reasonably Practicable’ and presentation using Bow-Tie Analysis
Site audits and reporting against the Regulations
Specialist areas – including timber treatment and distillery operations.
Resource Consent support for the storage, use, use in manufacturing, and disposal of hazardous substances
Local authority support for district plan compliance